2024 |
9th |
$62,500 Hermes Grand Prix, CSI2* MLSJ Thermal, CA |
Leicester |
5th |
$50,000 Lugano Diamonds National Prix, Los Angeles National, CA |
Panter JVH |
6th |
$25,000 K9/Equine Challenge, CSI5*-W Royal Horse Show, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$32,250 Brickenden Trophy, CSI5*-W Royal Horse Show, Toronto, ON |
Panter JVH |
9th |
$32,250 1.45m Strength & Speed, CSI5*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Panter JVH |
6th |
$100,000 Canadian Championships II, Royal Horse Show, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
5th |
$25,000 Canadian Championships I, Royal Horse Show, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
5th |
$37,000 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* Royal, Toronto, ON |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$100,000 1.50m Grand Prix, CSI3* Split Rock Fall II, Lexington, KY |
Panter JVH |
4th |
$10,000 1.35m National Prix, CSI3* Split Rock Fall II, Lexington, KY |
Qlipper Blossom |
7th |
$35,000 1.45m Welcome, CSI3* Split Rock Fall II, Lexington, KY |
Panter JVH |
9th |
$32,000 1.45m Speed, CSI3* Split Rock Fall II, Lexington, KY |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$200,000 1.50m Team Competition, CSI5* MLSJ Greenwich, CT |
Atout des Trambles |
3rd |
$300,000 1.50m Team Competition, CSI5* MLSJ Traverse City, MI |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$63,000 1.50m Individual Competition, CSI5* MLSJ Traverse City, MI |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$31,1000 1.50m Winning Round, CSI5* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Panter JVH |
1st |
$200,000 1.50m Team Competition, CSI5* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
4th |
$62,500 1.50m Individual Competition, CSI5* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
8th |
$31,100 1.45m Kubota Grand Prix, CSI2* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Excellent B |
5th |
$31,100 1.45m Qualifier, CSI2* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Excellent B |
6th |
$31,100 1.45m Qualifier, CSI2* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Leicester |
8th |
$300,000 1.50m Team, CSI5* MLSJ Angelstone, Rockwood, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
10th |
$41,496 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* MLSJ Angelstone, Rockwood, ON |
Leicester |
10th |
$41,496 1.45m, CSI2* MLSJ Angelstone, Rockwood, ON |
Panter JVH |
2nd |
$42,750 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* Kubota International, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
4th |
$42,750 1.45m Qualifier, CSI2* Kubota International, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
1st |
$42,750 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* Caledon Summer, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$42,750 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* Caledon Summer, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$42,750 1.45m Welcome Stake, CSI2* Caledon Summer, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
2nd |
$33,600 1.45m AltaGas Cup, CSI5* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Atout des Trambles |
8th |
$63,500 1.50m Canadian Utilities Cup, CSI5* S. M. Continental, AB |
Panter JVH |
10th |
$62,560 1.50m AON Cup, CSI5* Spruce Meadows Continental, AB |
Panter JVH |
3rd |
$31,100 1.50m Winning Round, CSI5* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$200,000 1.50m MLSJ Team, CSI5* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Atout des Trambles |
1st |
$62,500 1.50m MLSJ Individual, CSI5* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Atout des Trambles |
4th |
$31,500 1.45m Qualifier, CSI2* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Panter JVH |
7th |
$10,000 1.40m Winning Round, CSI2* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Leicester |
3rd |
$15,000 1.40m Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington XIII, FL |
Excellent B |
8th |
$15,000 1.40m Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington XIII, FL |
Leicester |
6th |
$31,500 1.45m Winning Round, CSI4* WEC Ocala X, Ocala, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
8th |
$31,500 1.45m Wednesday, CSI4* WEC Ocala X, Ocala, FL |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$65,000 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* WEC Ocala X, Ocala, FL |
Panter JVH |
7th |
$32,000 1.45m Grand Prix Qualifier, CSI2* WEC Ocala X, Ocala, FL |
Panter JVH |
8th |
$32,000 1.45m Qualifier, CSI2* WEF VII, Wellington, FL |
Panter JVH |
9th |
$62,500 1/st Racing Grand Prix, CSI2* WEF V, Wellington, FL |
Panter JVH |
4th |
$32,000 1.50m Dodd Technologies, CSI4* WEF IV, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$32,000 1.50m Hermes Classic, CSI3* WEF II, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
5th |
$32,000 1.45m Dodd Technologies, CSI3* WEF II, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
2023 |
2nd |
$33,000 K9/Equine Challenge, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Panter JVH |
10th |
$80,000 International Speed Challenge, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
5th |
$38,500 Brickenden Trophy, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
10th |
$38,500 McKee International Challenge, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Excellent B |
6th |
$38,500 Strength and Speed Challenge, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Panter JVH |
5th |
$150,000 Canadian Championships II, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
3rd |
$25,000 Canadian Championships I, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
1st |
$20,000 1.40m Kubota Grand Prix, Eastern Championships, Caledon, ON |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$20,000 1.40m Kubota Grand Prix, Eastern Championships, Caledon, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
9th |
$20,000 1.40m Kubota Grand Prix, Eastern Championships, Caledon, ON |
Panter JVH |
8th |
$400,000 1.50m MLSJ Team, CSI5* MLSJ Traverse City, MI |
Atout des Trambles |
10th |
$38,500 BFL Grand Prix, CSI2* The BFL Caldeon Cup, ON |
Paner JVH |
5th |
$38,500 Open Welcome Stake, CSI2* The BFL Caldeon Cup, ON |
Excellent B |
6th |
$270,000 1.50m Team, CSI5* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
4th |
$76,000 1.50m Individual, CSI5* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
5th |
$38,500 Mark Motors Group Qualifier, CSI2* MLSJ Ottawa, ON |
Montage of Colors |
3rd |
$75,900 1.50m Speed, CSI5* MLSJ Angelstone, Rockwood, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
9th |
$25,000 1.35m Modified Grand Prix, CSI5* MLSJ Angelstone, ON |
Leicester |
3rd |
$270,000 1.50m MLSJ Team, CSI5* GLEF V, Traverse City, MI |
Atout des Trambles |
8th |
$76,000 1.50m MLSJ Individual, CSI5* GLEF V, Traverse City, MI |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$38,500 Kubota Grand Prix, CSI2* Caledon Summer, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$38,500 Open Welcome Stake, CSI2* Caledon Summer, Palgrave, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$80,000 1.50m APEX Cup, CSI5* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Atout des Trambles |
10th |
$40,000 1.45m ATCO Cup, CSI2* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Matonge of Colors |
6th |
$38,500 1.45m West Coast Cup, CSIO5* Thunderbird BC Open, BC |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$38,500 1.45m Friends of Tbird, CSI2* Thunderbird BC Open, BC |
Matonge of Colors |
3rd |
$39,000 1.50m Winning Round, CSI5* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Excellent B |
6th |
$268,000 MLSJ Team, CSI5* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$76,000 MLSJ Individual, CSI5* Tbird Canadian Premier, BC |
Atout des Trambles |
10th |
$145,100 Grand Prix, CSI3* Kentucky Spring Horse Show, KY |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$38,700 1.45m, CSI3* Kentucky Spring Horse Show, KY |
Excellent B |
6th |
$38,700 1.45m Welcome, CSI3* Kentucky Spring Horse Show, KY |
Atout des Trambles |
1st |
$50,000 Kingsland Grand Prix, CSI2* WEF XII, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
3rd |
$15,000 Buckeye Nutrition Futures Prix, WEC Ocala XII, Ocala, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$15,000 Buckeye Nutrition Futures Prix, WEC Ocala XII, Ocala, FL |
Matonge of Colors |
2nd |
$40,000 1.45m Power & Speed, CSI3* WEC IX, Ocala, FL |
Excellent B |
4th |
$40,000 1.45m Power & Speed, CSI3* WEC IX, Ocala, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
10th |
$40,000 1.45m Speed, CSI3* WEC IX, Ocala, FL |
Excellent B |
9th |
$77,300 1.45m Grand Prix, CSI2* Sarasota II, FL |
Excellent B |
5th |
$15,000 Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington V, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$15,000 Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington V, Wellington, FL |
Excellent B |
5th |
$15,000 Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington V, Wellington, FL |
Matonge of Colors |
2022 |
7th |
$10,000 1.50m Jayman Built Cup, CSI5* S.M. North American, AB |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$37,500 1.45m Friends of the Meadows, CSI2* S. M. Pan American, AB |
Atout des Trambles |
1st |
$15,000 1.30m Trimac, CSI2* Spruce Meadows National, Calgary, AB |
Atout des Trambles |
4th |
$75,000 1.50m Grand Prix, CSI3* Spruce Meadows Founders’ Classic |
Excellent B |
7th |
$37,000 1.45m Welcome Speed Cup, CSI3* Lexington, KY |
Excellent B |
6th |
$37,000 1.50m Equine Tack, CSI3* ESP Spring III, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$200,000 MARS Equestrian Grand Prix, WEC Ocala XII, FL |
Excellent B |
9th |
$20,000 C. Jarvis Insurance Welcome Prix, WEC Ocala XII, FL |
Excellent B |
5th |
$37,000 1.45m Douglas Elliman, CSI4* WEF X, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
5th |
$37,000 Longines World Ranking, CSI4* Live Oak International, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
1st |
$37,000 1.45m Douglas Elliman, CSI4* WEF IV, Wellington, FL |
Atout des Trambles |
2021 |
9th |
$217,000 MLSJ Grand Prix, CSI5* Angelstone The International, ON |
Excellent B |
9th |
$37,000 1.45m Speed, CSI5* Angelstone The International, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$75,000 1.45m Winning Round, CSI5* Angelstone The Champions, ON |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$37,000 1.45m Speed, CSI5* Angelstone The Champions, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
9th |
$10,000 Modified Grand Prix, Ottawa Summer Tournament II, ON |
Atout des Trambles |
6th |
$75,000 RBC Grand Prix, Ottawa Summer Tournament II, ON |
Excellent B |
8th |
$30,000 CI Assante Open Welcome, Ottawa Summer Tournament II, ON |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$100,000 1.50m Grand Prix, CSI3* Split Rock II, Lexington, KY |
Excellent B |
6th |
$37,000 1.45m Power and Speed, CSI3* Split Rock II, Lexington, KY |
Atout des Trambles |
7th |
$50,000 1.45m Wanderers Club Grand Prix, CSI4* WEF XII, FL |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$37,000 CaptiveOne Advisors 1.50m Classic, CSI5* WEF XI, FL |
Excellent B |
High Amateur/Owner Jumper Champion, CSI5* WEF IX, Wellington, FL |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$15,000 High Amateur/Owner Classic, CSI5* WEF IX, Wellington, FL |
Excellent B |
2019 |
6th |
$20,000 RAM Equestrian Grand Prix, Fall Finale, Palgrave, ON |
Excellent B |
4th |
$25,000 RAM Equestrian Grand Prix, Autumn Classic, Palgrave, ON |
Excellent B |
5th |
$25,000 RAM Equestrian Grand Prix, Autumn Classic, Palgrave, ON |
Dalvaro 2 |
9th |
$10,000 Open Welcome, Autumn Classic, Palgrave, ON |
Dalvaro 2 |
4th |
Individual, Pan American Games, Lima, Peru |
Falco van Spieveld |
4th |
Team, Pan American Games, Lima, Peru |
Falco van Spieveld |
5th |
$37,000 Capital Classic, CSI3* Ottawa International II, ON |
Excellent B |
5th |
$500,000 RBC Grand Prix, CSI5* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$400,000 Longines Nations’ Cup, CSIO5* BC Open, Langley, BC |
Falco van Spieveld |
3rd |
$36,500 1.50m Nations’ Welcome, CSIO5* BC Open, Langley, BC |
Excellent B |
3rd |
€200,000 Longines Nations’ Cup, CSIO5* Coapexpan, MEX |
Falco van Spieveld |
4th |
€56,220 Grand Prix, CSI3* Coapexpan, MEX |
Falco van Spieveld |
7th |
$100,000 Longines World Cup Grand Prix, CSI3*-W Live Oak, Ocala, FL |
Falco van Spieveld |
4th |
$35,700 World Cup qualifier, CSI3*-W Live Oak, Ocala, FL |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$150,000 Nations’ Cup, CSIO4* WEF VIII, Wellington, FL |
Falco van Spieveld |
5th |
$15,000 Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington Turf Tour VII, FL |
Excellent B |
2018 |
10th |
$205,000 Longines World Cup Grand Prix, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
8th |
$12,500 U25 National Championship II, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Chaloubet |
7th |
$12,500 U25 National Championship I, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Chaloubet |
6th |
$85,000 Big Ben International Challenge, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Excellent B |
6th |
$36,000 Brickenden Trophy, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
Canadian Show Jumping Champion, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$100,000 Canadian Championships II, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$25,000 Canadian Championships I, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
5th |
$50,000 PA Big Jump, CSI3* Harrisburg, PA |
Falco Van Spieveld |
5th |
$35,000 Keystone Classic, CSI3* Harrisburg, PA |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$15,000 1.45m Dash for Cash, CSI3* Harrisburg, PA |
Excellent B |
4th |
$70,200 1.50m Grand Prix, CSI2* Angelstone The National, ON |
Excellent B |
5th |
$70,200 1.50m Grand Prix, CSI2* Angelstone The National, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
8th |
$70,200 1.50m Grand Prix, CSI2* Angelstone The International, ON |
Excellent B |
5th |
$35,000 1.45m Open Welcome, CSI2* Angelstone The International, ON |
Excellent B |
4th |
$25,000 U25 Winning Round, CSI5* S. Meadows North American, AB |
Deko de Landetta Z |
1st |
$10,000 Friends of the Meadows Cup, CSI5* S.M. Pan American, AB |
Deko de Landetta Z |
6th |
$25,000 U25 Winning Round, CSI5* Spruce Meadows Pan American, AB |
Excellent B |
5th |
$25,000 TransCanada U25, CSI5* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$10,000 1.45m Omega Alpha Cup, CSI5* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Excellent B |
6th |
$35,000 Case IH Grand Prix, CSI2* Classic @ Palgrave Phase II, ON |
Excellent B |
6th |
$35,000 1.45m Classic, CSI2* WEF VII, Wellington, FL |
Jackson de Regor |
1st |
$15,000 High Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI5* WEF V, Wellington, FL |
Jackson de Regor |
4th |
$15,000 High Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI2* WEF II, Wellington, FL |
Excellent B |
6th |
$10,000 Medium Amateur-Owner Classic, WEF I, Wellington, FL |
Excellent B |
2017 |
Under 25 National Champion, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$12,500 U25 National Championship II, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Excellent B |
1st |
$12,500 U25 National Championship I, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Excellent B |
4th |
$100,000 Canadian Championships II, CSI4*-W Royal, Toronto, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$100,000 Grand Prix de Penn National, CSI3* Harrisburg, PA |
Falco van Spieveld |
4th |
$40,000 Pennsylvania Big Jump, CSI3* Harrisburg, PA |
Falco van Spieveld |
4th |
$20,000 1.45m U25 Jumper Classic, CSI3* Harrisburg, PA |
Excellent B |
7th |
$130,000 1.55m Grand Prix, CSI3* Split Rock II, OH |
Falco van Spieveld |
10th |
$10,000 Under 25 Grand Prix, CSI3* Split Rock II, OH |
Excellent B |
8th |
$10,000 1.40m 7&8-Year-Old Youngster Bowl, CSI3* Split Rock II, OH |
Excellent B |
8th |
$86,000 Caledon Cup – Phase III, CSI2* Canadian SJ Tournament, ON |
Excellent B |
5th |
$36,000 1.45m Sunday Classic, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Excellent B |
8th |
$86,600 1.60m Grand Prix, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$20,000 BDF Equestrian Under 25, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Chaloubet |
9th |
$40,000 1.50m Open Welcome, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
5th |
$36,000 1.45m Sunday Classic, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Excellent B |
8th |
$86,600 1.60m Grand Prix, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$20,000 BDF Equestrian Under 25, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Chaloubet |
9th |
$40,000 1.50m Open Welcome, CSI3* Angelstone The National, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
8th |
$35,000 AECON Jumper Classic, CSI3* Ottawa International, ON |
Excellent B |
10th |
$100,000 Grand Prix, CSI3* Ottawa International, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$20,000 1.40m Jr./Am. Grand Prix, CSI5* S. M. North American, AB |
Excellent B |
2nd |
$35,000 Pepsi Challenge, CSI5* Spruce Meadows North American, AB |
Falco van Spieveld |
6th |
$35,000 West Canadian Cup, CSI5* S. Meadows Pan American, AB |
Falco van Spieveld |
6th |
$35,000 Canadian Utilities U25, CSI5* S. Meadows Pan American, AB |
Falco van Spieveld |
3rd |
$35,000 1.45m WIPRO U25, CSI5* Spruce Meadows National, AB |
Falco van Spieveld |
7th |
$20,000 Modified Grand Prix, CSI2* Classic @ Palgrave Phase II, ON |
Excellent B |
8th |
$20,000 U25 Young Rider, CSI2* Classic @ Palgrave Phase II, ON |
Excellent B |
3rd |
$30,000 Grand Prix, Classic @ Palgrave Phase I, ON |
Falco van Spieveld |
9th |
$15,000 Modified Grand Prix, Classic @ Palgrave Phase I, ON |
Evoshana |
3rd |
$86,000 WEF Challenge Cup Round XII, CSI4* WEF XII, FL |
Falco van Spieveld |
1st |
$10,000 1.35m Junior Amateur-Owner Classic, HITS Ocala X, FL |
Evoshana |
3rd |
$10,000 1.35m Junior Amateur-Owner Classic, HITS Ocala X, FL |
Excellent B |
5th |
$100,000 Longines World Cup Qualifier, CSI3*-W Live Oak, FL |
Falco van Spieveld |
8th |
$10,000 1.40m Waldron Private Health, CSI3*-W Live Oak, FL |
Chaloubet |
7th |
$50,000 Grand Prix, CSI2* WEF VII, Wellington, FL |
Falco van Spieveld |
2nd |
$35,000 1.45m, CSI2* WEF VII, Wellington, FL |
Falco van Spieveld |
6th |
$25,000 Under 25 Team Event, CSI4* WEF IV, Wellington, FL |
Chaloubet |
2016 |
1st |
$86,000 Caledon Cup - Phase III, CSI2* Canadian SJ Tournament, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
4th |
$35,000 Caledon Cup - Phase II, CSI2* Canadian SJ Tournament, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
3rd |
$10,000 Caledon Cup - Phase I, CSI2* Canadian SJ Tournament, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
4th |
$15,000 Seven-Year-Old Final, CSI2* Angelstone The International, ON |
Evoshana |
8th |
$40,000 Groupby Grand Prix, CSI2* Angelstone The International, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
7th |
$35,000 Kubota Sunday Classic, CSI3*Angelstone The Champions, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
10th |
$50,000 Jumper Classic, CSI2* Summer Festival, Palgrave, ON |
Deko de Landetta Z |
1st |
€25,000 1.45m Prix Hotel Byblos, CSI2* St. Tropez, FRA |
Deko de Landetta Z |
3rd |
€4,160 1.40m Prix Materiko, CSI2* St. Tropez, FRA |
Deko de Landetta Z |
1st |
$25,000 1.45m U-Dump Junior/A-O Classic, HITS Ocala X, FL |
Deko de Landetta Z |
7th |
$25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix, HITS Ocala X, FL |
Deko de Landetta Z |
4th |
$10,000 1.35m Amateur-Owner Classic, HITS Ocala X, FL |
Ino Dancer Van Oz |
10th |
$35,000 1.50m Live Oak International, CSI3*-W Live Oak, FL |
Deko de Landetta Z |
5th (tie) |
$10,000 Medium Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI4* WEF IV, Wellington, FL |
Quidam’s Cherie |
2015 |
7th |
$10,000 Caledon Cup – Phase One, CSI2* Canadian SJ Tournament, ON |
High Yummy |
5th |
€24,500 Grand Prix, CSI2* Global Champions Tour, Vienna, AUT |
Be Gentle |
1st |
€5,000 1.40m Friday, CSI2* Global Champions Tour, Vienna, AUT |
Be Gentle |
5th |
€3,000 1.40m Thursday, CSI2* Global Champions Tour, Vienna, AUT |
Be Gentle |
10th |
$49,500 1.45m Open Welcome, CSI3* Angelstone The Champions, ON |
High Yummy |
9th |
€30,600 Ashford Farm Grand Prix, CSI2* Harthill, GBR |
Deko de Landetta Z |
2nd |
€24,500 Saturday Grand Prix, CSI2* St. Tropez, FRA |
Deko de Landetta Z |
5th |
$34,000 1.45m Winning Round, CSI2*-W Live Oak, Ocala, FL |
Cooper |
3rd |
$5,000 1.35m Power & Speed, CSI2*-W Live Oak, Ocala, FL |
Deko de Landetta Z |
8th |
$15,000 1.40m Grand Prix, The Ridge at Wellington Turf Tour VI, FL |
Deko de Landetta Z |
3rd |
$15,000 High Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI3* WEF V, Wellington, FL |
Saphir |
7th |
$10,000 Artisan Farms U25 Welcome, CSI2* WEF II, Wellington, FL |
Saphir |
2014 |
7th |
$10,000 Low Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI5* WEF XII, Wellington, FL |
Catania |
7th |
$10,000 Medium Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI3* WEF X, Wellington, FL |
High Yummy |
3rd |
$10,000 Low Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI3* WEF X, Wellington, FL |
Catania |
5th (team) |
$10,000 Young Rider Nations’ Cup, CSIO4* WEF VIII, Wellington, FL |
Blue Loyd 12 |
Low Amateur-Owner Champion, CSI4* WEF VII, Wellington, FL |
Catania |
1st |
$10,000 Low Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI4* WEF VII, Wellington, FL |
Catania |
4th |
$15,000 High Amateur/Owner Classic, CSI3* WEF VI, Wellington, FL |
Blue Loyd 12 |
9th |
$10,000 Low Amateur-Owner Jumper Classic, CSI3* WEF VI, FL |
Catania |
8th |
$10,000 Artisan Farms YR Grand Prix - Team, CSI2* WEF IV, FL |
Blue Loyd 12 |
2013 |
2nd |
€1,000 VIP Tour Large Final, CSI3* Magna Racino Spring Tour, AUT |
High Yummy |
5th |
€1,000 VIP Tour Large Final, CSI3* Magna Racino Spring Tour, AUT |
Blue Loyd 12 |
1st |
€800 VIP Tour Large, CSI3* Magna Racino Spring Tour, AUT |
Blue Loyd 12 |
9th |
€800 VIP Tour Large, CSI3* Magna Racino Spring Tour, AUT |
High Yummy |
4th |
$15,000 High Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI4* WEF XI, Wellington, FL |
Blue Loyd 12 |
5th |
$15,000 High Amateur-Owner Classic, CSI4* WEF XI, Wellington, FL |
High Yummy |
2nd |
$10,000 Young Rider Nations’ Cup, CSIO4* WEF VIII, Wellington, FL |
High Yummy |
2012 |
3rd |
$25,000 Knightwood Hunter Derby, CSI4*-W Royal Winter Fair, ON |
Diplomat |
3rd |
$10,000 Talent Squad Championship II, CSI4*-W Royal Winter Fair, ON |
High Yummy |
4th |
$8,000 Talent Squad Championship I, CSI4*-W Royal Winter Fair, ON |
High Yummy |
6th |
$15,000 Hunter Derby Final, CSI2* Angelstone International, ON |
Diplomat |
3rd |
$5,000 Jump Canada Talent Squad, CSI2* CSJT, Palgrave, ON |
High Yummy |
8th |
$5,000 Canadian Hunter Derby, Autumn Classic, Palgrave, ON |
Diplomat |
5th |
$5,000 Hunter Derby, Angelstone National Phase III, Rockwood, ON |
Diplomat |
2nd |
$10,000 Broccoli Hill Hunter Derby, Orangeville Tournaments, ON |
Diplomat |
3rd |
$5,000 Hunter Derby Welcome, Orangeville Tournaments, ON |
Diplomat |
4th |
$10,000 Modified Grand Prix, Classic @ Palgrave II, Palgrave, ON |
Palvaro de Carene |
9th |
$3,500 Jr./Am. 1.40m Classic, Caledon National, Palgrave, ON |
Palvaro de Carene |
4th |
$2,500 Jr./Am. 1.30m Classic, Caledon National, Palgrave, ON |
Catania |
6th |
$10,000 Charles Owen Low A/O Jumper Classic, WEF XI, FL |
Catania |
3rd |
$1,500 Surpass Medium A/O Jumper, WEF XI, Wellington, FL |
Palvaro de Carene |
4th |
$1,500 Charles Owen Low A/O Jumper, WEF XI, Wellington, FL |
Catania |
4th |
$10,000 Surpass Medium A/O Jumper Classic, CSI4*-W WEF IX, FL |
Palvaro de Carene |
2nd |
$10,000 Charles Owen Low A/O Jumper Classic, CSI4*-W WEX IX, FL |
Catania |
4th |
$10,000 Charles Owen Low A/O Jumper Classic, CSI4*-W WEX IX, FL |
Celline 2 |
8th |
$1,500 Surpass Medium A/O Jumper, CSI4*-W WEF IX, FL |
Palvaro de Carene |
9th |
$1,500 Charles Owen Low A/O Jumper, CSI4*-W WEF IX, FL |
Catania |
2011 |
1st |
CET Medal Final, CSI4*-W Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON |
SS San Remo |
2010 |
2nd |
CET Medal Final, CSI4*-W Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON |
SS San Remo |
1st |
Jump Canada Medal Final, CSI4*-W Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON |
SS San Remo |