January 26, 2006 – Wellington, Florida – The third annual JustWorld International Fundraiser was another smashing success, raising more than $125,000 in pledges and donations for the programs and project sites funded by the not-for-profit humanitarian organization founded to work as a catalyst for positive change in the developing world by helping underprivileged children.
Held Saturday, January 21, 2006, at Belle Herbe Farm in Wellington, FL, more than 170 horses competed in the Training Show, taking advantage of the opportunity to jump on the state-of-the-art grass grand prix field in exchange for a donation to JustWorld International. In the evening, 300 guests returned to Belle Herbe Farm to enjoy dinner and dancing, along with professional Latin dancers, to the salsa and merengue music provided by a DJ from South Beach.
“I am thrilled that so many people turned out to support our cause, and we attracted a great deal of interest from new donors and new rider ambassadors,” said Jessica Newman, Executive Director of JustWorld International. “All of our current ambassadors were also incredibly supportive, bringing their own horses, as well as their clients’, to compete in the training show. And even though we weren’t planning on having a silent auction at the dinner, so many generous people came to us wanting to donate items to help raise funds that we ended up having one.”
In addition to the buffet dinner, which again included the popular chocolate fountain, and dancing, guests also had the opportunity to bid on 15 Silent Auction items, as well as purchase pieces of artwork created by the children at JustWorld International’s Honduras project site. Each painting was displayed with a photograph of the artist, allowing the buyers to feel connected to the children and the cause they were supporting.
At the end of the evening, donations and pledges had reached $125,000 in direct support of JustWorld International’s programs and projects. The previous two fundraisers, which were also sell-out events, raised close to $200,000, bring the three-year total amount raised to almost $325,000.
JustWorld International would like to express its gratitude to the following sponsors and individuals who generously helped to underwrite the event, allowing 100% of the proceeds to be donated directly to JustWorld International projects: Howard A. and Maria Newman, Belle Herbe Farm, Victoria McCullough, Ron and Cheryl Krise, Michael and Anne Speiser, Marc Inman, Eugene Mische and Stadium Jumping, Ken-Rose Catering, Inc., Delray Wine Cellar and HFTP. Special thanks also to photographer, Cheryl Bender.
Founded in 2002, JustWorld International raises awareness and funds in the equestrian community to support humanitarian projects that benefit impoverished communities and children in the developing world. Cooperating with local partners, JustWorld International implements sustainable, culturally sensitive education, health and vocational projects. JustWorld International trains and empowers international and local university student volunteers to create and realize these projects, providing them with hands-on experience in promoting social justice. With project sites located in Cambodia, Honduras, Kenya and Senegal, students are working for change in a wide variety of environments on behalf of JustWorld International. For more information on JustWorld International, please visit